Mifflin County Library is your one-stop place for reading materials, information, computers, faxes, copier service and so much more. Our children’s programs engage pre-readers and adults in early learning fun.
Visit us virtually and checkout e-books, e-audio books, or find information on thousands of topics via our website and Power Library. We satisfy curious minds.
Website: https://www.mifflincountylibrary.org
Community Impact From United Way Funding
Children who attend story time at Mifflin County Library truly enjoy the time they spend with their families at the library. They begin to think of the library as “my library” and they interact with the staff as if each staff member is also a part of their family. This holds true for many of the story time children long after they have entered formal schooling. They continue to make their weekly trips into the library and when they are old enough some of them become junior volunteers and work in the children’s room, often helping to prepare items for story time.
In 2019, the Mifflin County Library had the pleasure of employing a student intern through the Mifflin County School District cooperative learning/work program. Upon graduation, this student intends to pursue a degree in Library Science. The love of the library and books all began when her mother brought her to story time as a child. She is a story time graduate, a junior volunteer and is now a student intern who is instilling the love of reading, books and a love for the library in a new generation of story time children by directly working with the children at story time.