Provides programs for anyone affected by a person with special needs
- Support services and groups for parents and families
- Adult Training Facilities
- Early Intervention (Birth to Three)
- Teen Club
- After School Program (ages 6-12)
- Recreation programs
- Equipment loans
- Disability Awareness programs
- Sign Language classes
- Aktion Club (with the Kiwanis Club)
Website: https://compass-community.org
Community Impact From United Way Funding
We met Jerome when he was in his early teens. He had some cognitive delays and emotional support needs, his foster mom reached out to us. Trauma was a part of his early life and relating to others was difficult. He bounced around in the foster care system since he was very young. We introduced Jerome to our teen club. Initial meetings were difficult as he mostly removed himself from the group but would respond somewhat to individual attention from leaders. Others in the group easily frustrated him as he had great difficulty in building relationships and making friends. Jerome did not want to be different, yet he was.
With a strict but loving foster mom, he began to develop trust. He remained as an outsider in our Teen Club but he continued to attend. This was positive, and over the years, his relationship skills improved. Jerome attended our TNT program and worked hard in school. He enjoyed participation in the Mifflin County Academy of Science & Technology. We learned that he was quite artistic and creative. He won an award for these skills as a senior. When graduation time came around, Jerome participated in our Senior Beach trip, a three-day two-night excursion to Ocean City, New Jersey. He was more independent, confident and assured. He conversed and showed compassion to his friends. He had fun!
Upon graduation, Jerome worked hard to obtain his drivers permit and eventually his license. He saved money to purchase his own car. He drives to and from his place of employment, a job where he is a valued part of the team. Jerome is also a humble servant in our Aktion Club, always deferring to others to be the “elected” officers. He is a gift to us that keeps on growing and giving. We are proud to be a small part of his journey.